Our Departments.

NDSA Welfare
Our Welfare department functions to promote student well-being and mental health. They organise a range of welfare-orientated events, including Welfare Week each semester, RUOK Day, and the International Women's Day Breakfast.​

NDSA Academic
The role of the Academic department is to advocate for all students throughout their academic journey here at Notre Dame.
University life can be challenging even at the best of times. Whether you are unsure how to appeal for a grade, apply for special consideration, or feel uncertain about your studies, our academic department is here to answer your academic questions and guide you in the best way we can.

NDSA Assist
The NDSA Assist department provides confidential and friendly support for both student and non-student-related issues during your time at the university. They offer assistance in various areas, including grants and interest-free loans for students facing hardship, advocacy for personal issues, and a food pantry for accessible on-campus food.

NDSA Sport
NDSA Sport and Health are the people who are super excited to plan and provide communal sports and health opportunities for you and your fellow students.
Whether you're looking to clear your mind with some yoga; join a social sports team such as Cheer, Volleyball or Netball; or create an epic team of your own - Sports and Health are the people to go to.

NDSA Environment
NDSA Environment aims to increase campus sustainability, reduce the university’s environmental impact and manage student spaces. As fellow students, we are dedicated to improving our university experience whilst supporting local and giving back to students.
Our Marketing and Strategy director, Is committed to making the NDSA a hub for student life and student engagement, Students should know the opportunities that our university has to provide especially those amazing opportunities provided from our Campus, Student Life, Clubs, Surrounding Business's and Fremantle City its's clubs. This means getting students engaged and hopefully getting more students joining our clubs or exploring our campus in the heart of Fremantle.

NDSA Marketing
Our Marketing department Is committed to making the NDSA a hub for student life and student engagement, Students should know the opportunities that our university has to provide especially those amazing opportunities provided by our Campus, Student Life, Clubs, Surrounding Businesses and Fremantle City its's clubs. This means getting students engaged and hopefully getting more students to join our clubs or explore our campus in the heart of Fremantle.