Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)
What is it?
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is an annual fee charged by all Australian Universities to provide many non-academic services and amenities.
Funds raised by the SSAF will be directed to the non-academic services and amenities that matter most to students.​
You get to chose where it is spent and what matters to you
How is it spent?
Concerned, want to know more or get involved?
The University email to get direct answers.
You can get in touch with us via Instagram or our anonymous feed back form.
Have your say!
University of Notre Dame Initiative:
This form collates information as to how you would like the SSAF to be spent. You are able to enter what you would like to do with the SSAF and how it will benefit students. This will include how it aligns with the objects of the university, budget/expenditure, and where it will fit within government legislated areas for allowable expenditure of the SSAF. There is space for further information/explanation of your proposal. Please send this completed form to
Proposal Form

The Notre Dame Student Association are for delaying the SSAF fees to semester one
Student representation is a core part of the NDSA and students of the Fremantle
campus have shown a clear interest in delaying SSAF. This decision will make sure
students, the NDSA and the University are better prepared for its introduction and
responsible management. Furthermore, we believe introducing this fee in semester two
of 2024 won’t allow graduating students to reap the full rewards of their contributions.
In the NDSA’s eyes SSAF’s whole purpose is about providing resources to students in
need now and for enriching the student experience. In discussions with the University,
we have ensured that the SSAF Governance Committee, the advisory committee that
manages the SSAF fund is majority student run. Meaning students have real power to
ensure the fund is managed responsibly and in the best interest of all students. We
have made our position known to the University and through this committee we will
further represent the shared student interest in delaying the fee.
Ultimately, all the NDSA can represent and advocate for your interests to the University.
We don’t have decision making power, but we do have student interests at heart,
please help us by providing constructive feedback by submitting it to the email or through our anonymous feedback form or box downstairs in

What It Can Be Used For:
Food & Drink Options
​Food and Drink Options:
A larger, more accessible and inclusive Free Student Food Pantry
More free food events on campus
Food care packages for students on placement
Student Financial Advice
Student Financial Advice:​
Financial assistance funds (eg. increasing the Student Hardship Fund)
Increasing the Practicum Support Scheme to make more student eligible and to increase the number of grants given
Financial advisors to help students with budgeting and during tax time
Student Health & Welfare

Student Health Care:​
Opening of a not-for-profit student health clinic for students to affordably access, gain practical experience and volunteer at
Welfare support funds
Increased counselling services, especially for those not on campus (eg. those attending prac)
Clubs & Services
Clubs and Services:​
New and bigger student clubs
Bigger, more frequent and helpful student events
More frequent and cheaper social events
Student Advocacy
​Student Advocacy:
Independent Student Assist Officers who represent students with appealing a grade and help students navigate university or government support services
Supporting student petitions or advocacy campaigns (eg. environmental sustainability on campus)
Supporting student initiatives (eg. free menstrual products on campus)

Career Advice
Career Advice​:
Increased career advisors to assist students with finding employment while studying
Help obtaining internships or development of a professional portfolio
Arts & Culture
Arts and Culture:​
Student art galleries or showcases
Funding art projects of students
Funding students to attend more debating tournaments (eg. law students attending mooting competitions)
Hosting debating competitions
Regular student media publications that highlight student voices, interests and concerns
Non-Academic Study Spaces
Non-academic Spaces:
Opening of new non-academic study spaces (eg. place like Prindi hall)
Upgrading of non-academic study spaces

Student Accommodation Support
Student Accommodation Support​
Accommodation officers who help students find accommodation
More accommodation options for international and rural students

Legal Services
​Legal Services
Free legal advisor for students facing any manor of legal issues
Free rental advocacy officers
Assistance with starting up club business structures

Personal Insurance Assistance
Providing grants to students to help acquire insurance
Providing help with students deciding on insurance options

Study Skills Training
Increased academic writing skills workshops
Increased academic writing advisors

Free childcare services during university or practicum times
Feeding/ lactation rooms on campus

Sports & Recreation
New sports programs on campus
Supporting national/ international sporting competitions
Improving sporting facilities

Information and support to help with orientation
A more inclusive and comprehensive orientation week for new students
International Student Support
Provision of more international accommodation spaces
Greater support for ESL students
Increased career advisors to assist students with finding employment while studying
Frequently Asked Questions:

From the NDSA:
How will it be used?
The government mandates that students must be consulted each year about how they want their SSAF to be spent. This will be in the form of an annual survey and joint staff and student governance committee. Both will happen prior to semester two commencement. The University must submit annual reports on where your money goes.
How much will it be?
In semester 2 2024, the maximum amount that the University can charge is $175.5 certain students will be charged a lower fee (eg. online, part-time or post graduate).
A full break down from the University website is below
Is this a “facilities fee”?
No, SSAF cannot be spent towards academic buildings development, management or renovation. It cannot be used to fund the existing renovations on the Fremantle campus or any future ones. SSAF can be used towards development of new non-academic buildings, for example SSAF could fund a student health clinic or student café.
What “student consultation” was conducted?
The University has advised us that they consulted students through a
national student run survey and seven out of nine school-based student clubs. In 2022 a NDSA/ SAUNDA (the Sydney version of the NDSA) asked for student feedback with the majority of respondents in favor of SSAF’s introduction. The University has then advised that in late 2023 and
early 2024 active school based clubs of both campuses were consulted, given the opportunity to seek feedback from their members as well as ask follow up questions.
Can it be HECS'd
Most students can place SSAF on a SA-HELP loan which operates similar to HECS. The University will send out a guide closer to semester two, and will provide assistance to any student’s that require help filling out the form.
More information on the SA-HELP loan scheme is available here. This is similar to the HECS-HELP loan scheme.
What If I am on Prac or Online?
The University has advised that this fund will provide many services not solely based on campus. For example prac support funds, student assist officers, child care services… Filling out the SSAF Survey is the best way to ensure that prac and online students receive the services that you want
What if I can’t HECS it?
This is of particular concern to our international students who already pay very high student fees and have limitations on how much they can work in Australia. The University had advised us that students will be able to apply
to the Student Hardship Fund if they are struggling to fund this fee. The NDSA are asking for the University to develop payment plans and other strategies to help struggling students be able to afford the $172.5 per semester cost. SSAF is designed to provide services and amenities that
help students to a greater extent than what is paid. This could be through improved accommodation options, increased hardship assistance or free financial and legal services.
If you have any questions please reach out to the SSAF team or the NDSA
Why is Notre Dame charging students this fee?
We’re always looking for new ways to support our students and create a better University experience. We have also heard your feedback on what improvements to the student experience you would like us to consider.
The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) allows the University to invest more in that experience. The SSAF will be spent on non-academic services and we will seek input from students about the services they value most – it might be student advocacy and advice, clubs and societies, and student wellbeing.
Is it compulsory?
Yes. The SSAF will be charged annually with tuition fees to support investment in Notre Dame’s non-academic service and amenities. The funds raised by this fee will be in addition to the direct investment from the University, so we can deliver improvements and create an even better student experience.
I am a part-time student, do I have to pay the SSAF?
​Yes. The rate has been adjusted to reflect your enrolment. The calculator above will help you determine the fee that will apply to you.
How much will it cost?
Fremantle Campus
Full time - $351
Part time - $263.25
Post-graduate - $175.50
Semester 2 2024 the fee will be 50% due to the mid-year start
The above figures represent the full-year fee, payable from 2025 onwards
How will it be charged?
The SSAF will be charged annually with your tuition fees. As the fee is effective from 1 July 2024, only a half fee will be payable in 2024. The full annual fee will be applied from 2025 onwards.
I’m a final year or postgraduate student who isn’t on campus – do I still have to pay?
Yes. The SSAF will be charged annually with tuition fees to support investment in Notre Dame’s non-academic service and amenities. The funds raised by this fee will be in addition to the direct investment from the University, so we can deliver improvements and create an even better student experience.